See what leaders around the state are saying about Mike’s campaign

 treasurer Beth pearce supports mike pieciak

Vermont State Treasurer Beth Pearce

“I encouraged Mike to run for this position because Vermonters know and trust him. He has the right experience and background that uniquely suit him to the duties of the Treasurer’s Office, and he brings an open, collaborative approach to everything he does. Under Mike’s leadership, I know the Treasurer’s Office would be in good hands.”

— Beth Pearce
Current Vermont State Treasurer


 lgbtq victory fund: Game Changer status

LGBTQ Victory Fund logo

“The LGBTQ Victory Fund is pleased to endorse Mike Pieciak for Vermont State Treasurer. Mike’s values, experience, and commitment to serving Vermonters – especially during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic – make him the strongest candidate for Treasurer. When he wins in November, Mike will be a vital voice for the LGBTQ+ community in Vermont.”

— Mayor Annise Parker
President & CEO
LGBTQ Victory Fund


Windham county delegation unanimously agrees

“Mike’s leadership at the Department of Financial Regulation has been a shining example of state government at its best: they regularly have the highest employee satisfaction rates, and lead the nation on a positive approach to regulating complex financial and insurance tools.

Mike’s acumen with management of complex fiscal and political issues will serve Vermonters well as we step into this next phase of our state’s progress. Please join us in supporting Mike Pieciak for Treasurer.”

— Windham County Legislative Delegation


Vermont Trooper Association

Mike Pieciak shaking hands with a Vermont police trooper

“Our members deserve public leaders who will stand up for strong pensions and dignity in retirement. Mike Pieciak is that leader. He has earned our support and the trust of Vermonters.”

— Mike O’Neil
Executive Director
Vermont Troopers Association


Vermont Conservation Voters

“Mike Pieciak understands fossil fuels are a bad long-term investment and bad for our climate... Mike Pieciak is the right choice for State Treasurer, and we believe he will be a strong ally for a healthy environment for all.”

- Lauren Hierl
Executive Director
Vermont Conservation Voters


Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund

Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund IE PAC supports pro-reproductive health candidates for legislative and statewide office in Vermont. PPVTAF IE PAC is nonpartisan and endorses candidates based on issues concerning affordable, accessible health care and family planning services, contraceptive equity, reproductive justice, emergency contraception, comprehensive sex education, and abortion access for all Vermonters.


Let’s Grow Kids Action Network

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network is a non-partisan organization that endorses and supports policymakers who are committed to achieving significantly increased state investment in child care to ensure that all Vermont families have access to high-quality, affordable child care.


Vermont–NEA: Educator Approved

Vermont-NEA is the largest union in the state, with more than 12,000 members. Since 1850, they’ve been working the premise that the people in the state’s classrooms should be an integral part of Vermont’s public education system